Our vision for the new horizon of health and wellness challenges us to approach training differently.

We intentionally design every exercise and program to deliver top-tier training for your life and athletic pursuits.


What our clients have to say:

"It's true, a lot of the “classic” gym strength training workouts don't translate well to actual outdoor athletics. Ryan's workouts have me climbing harder, running faster, and skiing stronger than I ever have before." -Eric Helfrich

"With constant change-up and rotation of workouts, it is never tedious or boring, and ALWAYS challenging. " - Christie Dennis

"My experience at Paragon has been truly transformational. In the 3 months since I began training at Paragon I have seen many changes in strength and endurance." -Tiana Tallant


The Rob Krar Ultra Camp

We are proud to be able to provide RKUC campers with our unique training philosophy and insights into strength & conditioning for ultra runners.

"The goal of our camps is to provide an inspirational, educational and once-in-a-lifetime running experience unlike anything available in our sport." - RKUC